Property Tax Relief Gets Tabled The Same Day As Pension Shifts Are Discussed
Read posting Rep. David McSweeney:
"McSweeney Calls on Speaker Madigan to Release Property Tax Relief Bill
–On the same day a special House committee heard testimony on a pension cost shift proposal to local school districts, state Rep. David
McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) had his property tax relief
bill blocked by the House Rules Committee. McSweeney’s amended bill,
Senate Bill 1937, is a proposal for Illinois residents living within
township governments to get a 2-year property tax levy freeze and it
also provides tax relief for seniors living with people with
“We are here discussing a pension cost shift today, which will result in yet another property tax
increase,” said McSweeney. “Residents have had enough. Property taxes are through the roof at a time when home values and the market haven’t
recovered. My bill would provide tax relief now and the bill deserves a
fair shake.”"
Rep. McSweeney is also fighting against Graduated Income Tax in Illinois. View his Facebook page and sign his pledge ---> and stand with Rep. McSweeney in standing against Graduated Income Taxes!
[1] Learn more about Pension Shifts at:
[2] Learn more about Taxes at:
[3] To support Rep. McSweeney, view his contact info below:
Springfield Office:
226-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1517
District Office:
105 E. Main Street
Cary, IL 60013
(847) 516-0052
(847) 516-8164 FAX