Friday, May 10, 2013

Property Tax Relief Gets Tabled The Same Day As Pension Shifts Are Discussed

Property Tax Relief Gets Tabled The Same Day As Pension Shifts Are Discussed

Read posting Rep. David McSweeney:

"McSweeney Calls on Speaker Madigan to Release Property Tax Relief Bill

Springfield –On the same day a special House committee heard testimony on a pension cost shift proposal to local school districts, state Rep. David McSweeney (R-Barrington Hills) had his property tax relief bill blocked by the House Rules Committee.  McSweeney’s amended bill, Senate Bill 1937, is a proposal for Illinois residents living within township governments to get a 2-year property tax levy freeze and it also provides tax relief for seniors living with people with disabilities.

“We are here discussing a pension cost shift today, which will result in yet another property tax increase,” said McSweeney. “Residents have had enough. Property taxes are through the roof at a time when home values and the market haven’t recovered.  My bill would provide tax relief now and the bill deserves a fair shake.”"


Rep. McSweeney is also fighting against Graduated Income Tax in Illinois.  View his Facebook page and sign his pledge ---> and stand with Rep. McSweeney in standing against Graduated Income Taxes!

[1] Learn more about Pension Shifts at:
[2] Learn more about Taxes at:

[3] To support Rep. McSweeney, view his contact info below:

Springfield Office:
226-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-1517

District Office:
105 E. Main Street
Cary, IL 60013
(847) 516-0052
(847) 516-8164 FAX